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March 2005

Is Poker a Fad?

Chops here.

Recently my old roommate Patnice posed an interesting question to me: what happens when the poker fad dies?

This got me thinking:

1) Is poker a fad?
2) If it is, what will I do with myself when it dies?
3) What are some new potential fads on the horizon that my friends and I can cling to?

Here's what I think...

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The Intro: Wicked Chops Poker

Decisions. It’s all about the decisions.

Down to the final six. World Series of Poker. Great timing, the right cards, a smart mix of aggression and patience, deft chip management. It has all gotten you to this moment; this green-felt-cocktail consisting of 2 parts skill, 1 part guts, 1 part endurance and the requisite smidgen of shit-ass-luck. But now you’re stack is getting shorter and there’s a legend to your left, one of the Phil’s to your right and some fat schlub in a XXXL golf shirt sitting in the big blind. He’s the guy who won his seat playing a $32 online satellite and keeps getting monster pocket after monster pocket and when he doesn't he's taking them down with hands more speculative than penny stocks in a bear market. Fuck that guy.

You’re in middle position. There’s a raise before you. A call. You look. 7-6 off-suit.

It’s all come to this.

You can dream, can’t you?

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Girls on the Rail at 2008 WSOP


    Our photog at the 2008 WSOP is having a hard time focusing his lens on the pros at the table. We like him for that. Check out girls on the rail here.

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  • "Wicked Chops Poker are nobodies, the site is garbage."
    - Anna Benson
  • "A sophisticated and creative blog that pokes rambunctious, irreverent and most of all sexy fun at the game of poker and everyone who is connected with it."
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  • "If you ask me, you should just go straight to Wicked Chops Poker instead. These guys are awesome."
    - Kajagugu Poker
  • "...el blog más irreverente de la blogocosa norteamericana..."
    - Poquer Red
  • "Wicked Chops is wickedly funny. And wickedly irreverent. And posts a lot of photos of wickedly attractive women. If that ain't poker, what is?"
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  • "If Jamie Gold’s a dickhead; Wicked Chops has to be a medusa head full of dicks."

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