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The Intro: Wicked Chops Poker

Decisions. It’s all about the decisions.

Down to the final six. World Series of Poker. Great timing, the right cards, a smart mix of aggression and patience, deft chip management. It has all gotten you to this moment; this green-felt-cocktail consisting of 2 parts skill, 1 part guts, 1 part endurance and the requisite smidgen of shit-ass-luck. But now you’re stack is getting shorter and there’s a legend to your left, one of the Phil’s to your right and some fat schlub in a XXXL golf shirt sitting in the big blind. He’s the guy who won his seat playing a $32 online satellite and keeps getting monster pocket after monster pocket and when he doesn't he's taking them down with hands more speculative than penny stocks in a bear market. Fuck that guy.

You’re in middle position. There’s a raise before you. A call. You look. 7-6 off-suit.

It’s all come to this.

You can dream, can’t you?

It isn’t easy being an aspiring poker player living in Atlanta. The nearest (legal) poker room is 407.81 miles away.

And while you may not live in Atlanta, there’s a pretty good chance you’re just like us.

We are Wicked Chops Poker.

Choose your vice. Is it 7-6 off-suit? Is it just the top 10? Is it everything?

Poker is a lifestyle. It defines you.  Who are you?

On paper, we’re a banker turned publicist, a lawyer turned publicist, and a writer.

But labels like that don't define us. Labels are for three button shirts, not people.

We are poker players, and not just at the table.

We believe we're defined by the risks we take. Raising the stakes even
when life deals you 7-6 offsuit.

We’re the guys you see everywhere. In casinos. At home games. Online. Hell, even at bars.

We have jobs, mortgages, wives, girlfriends, but we make sacrifices.

And this is our trip. And we’re not talking about our drive down Highway 76 to Tunica. The whole thing. We started playing consistently probably the same time you did. We're confident we have the game. We want to make it to the next level, we're sure we can make it, and this is where you can watch it happen.

You’ll read about our stories. The guys we play with. Our experiences. And our thoughts.

Like why poker should be legalized. Why we never slow play A-A (well, almost never). Why the Internet is the best and worst thing that ever happened to poker.

You’ll read all of this and much, much more.

Here’s your stack.

Let’s play.

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Nick Cosic

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Nick Cosic


Lookin' sharp, fellas.

[looks at pocket 8's] Yeah, I'm all in...

Colin B

Track lighting and disco ball.

Btw guys, the Full-Tilt crew wants you to become an affiliate of their website.

Here's the link:

Sammy "Killer Reid"

Nice work fellas. I am guessing that write up on NLTH #1 would be too much to ask.


Colin B, you can't play poker tonight. You promised to put up our new track lighting today.


It was about time I changed my homepage to something new. I'm no longer oogling for Google and now WCP is a fantastic way to start my internet browsing.


Hotshit! Finally, a poker site worth reading. Thanks guys.

Jen + Leo

Poker? I hardly know her...


This is a great and informative site.


Site looks great, dudes!

Colin B

I'm ahead of you on the WCPT career winnings list.

Colin B

Slowing playing Aces is a profitable strategy as long as you can lay them down in the face of trouble.

Colin B

I'm better than you guys.


Very nice guys.

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  • "A sophisticated and creative blog that pokes rambunctious, irreverent and most of all sexy fun at the game of poker and everyone who is connected with it."
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  • "Wicked Chops is wickedly funny. And wickedly irreverent. And posts a lot of photos of wickedly attractive women. If that ain't poker, what is?"
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