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29E: A Seat Position Crappier than 1 and 10

(Mark this under the category of posts that aren’t about poker but we’’ll manage to somehow relate it to poker because it's funny enough to share)

29e1_1When you're playing a tournament in a casino, you can never be happy starting off in seat 1 or seat 10. Besides rubbing up against the dealer and his toke box or not being able to coolly toss your cards into the muck, when you're seated in 1 or 10 you simply can't eye about a third of your opponents as well as you'd like...and that's to your disadvantage as you try to assess early on the tells of the players at your table. Well, at Wicked Chops Poker, we try to always see the glass half full instead of half empty (yeah right, we're actually pretty bitter most of the time), and we’d like to share a seat situation a reader came across that seems way worse than those on either side of the dealer.

29e2_2Disgruntled by his seat location, a passenger on a Continental flight to Houston handwrote a complaint while still in the air, giving a graphic and humurous play-by-play of his grievances as they happened. And better yet, in order to help paint the picture of his plight, the passenger went ahead and sketched out the scenario, which you see here. The letter is downright hilarious and we’ve placed it on our server as a pdf document that is well worth the read.

We think you'll agree with us that the crap this guy was dealt in Seat 29E was far worse than a steady stream of 8-3o in seats 1 or 10.

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"There are only two reasons to sit in the back row of an airplane:
Either you have diarrhea, or you're anxious to meet people who do."

-Henry Kissinger

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