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Get Your "Phil" on WSOP's Event #7

PhiltvIt’s 2:30p Vegas time and the final table of the $1,000 No-limit Hold’em event with rebuys is getting underway. This event, the 7th of this year’s WSOP, began on Wednesday with 867 players, and like any rebuy tournament, an unrelenting chorus of All-ins and Rebuys could be heard across the Rio Pavilion almost immediately and all the way up until the last second of the rebuy period. Word has it Daniel Negreanu didn’t break his record of 30 plus rebuys from last year, this time only going to his wallet a mere 12 times. Annie Duke likewise reloaded numerous times, but only about half of Kid Poker’s dozen. Once the rebuy period ended, tournament officials counted up the money and announced a total prize purse of $2,201,650, with close to 1500 rebuys from the field of 867.

For this update, we were planning on writing about a favorite player of ours, Atlanta area native Phil Gordon, who made his way to this year’s final table with some nice double-ups and tight-aggressive play. Instead, we think you should hear from Phil himself. Gordon is podcasting from this year’s WSOP directly from the floor of the tournament, done mostly during breaks and as the action happens. His podcasts are available over at Expert Insight for free and definitely worth the listen.

Phil’s one of the best minds in poker and has become one of the great commentators as well, and his podcasts are truly insightful as he shares with you the moves he’s made and the reasons why. You can follow him from the beginning of event #7 and hear how he works a shortstack with 27 players left, then down to 12 and finally the final table. Phil also gets in some quick interviews with other pros such as Annie Duke.

While you listen to Gordon’s podcast, here’s how the final table looks today:

1. Chuck Thompson - $549,000 (seat 8)
2. C.T. Law - $516,000 (seat 4)
3. David Pham - $323,000 (seat 1)
4. Shae Drobushevich - $248,000 (seat 2)
5. Pascal Perrault - $225,000 (seat 7)
6. Michael Gracz - $173,000 (seat 5)
7. Shane Schleger - $134,000 (seat 6)
8. Phil Gordon - $91,000 (seat 3)
9. Meng La - $71,000 (seat 9)

Interesting enough, chip leader Chuck Thompson has almost exactly in chips what today’s champion will receive in winnings, as first will take away $594,460. Whether Thompson can hold on long enough to cash in his chips for the win, especially with other hold’em specialists like Pham, Gordon and Gracz at the table, will make this one of the best action finals we’ve seen. While Gordon is shortstacked, he’ll certainly be firing away to double up, and if he does, he'll be dangerous. Pham on the other hand has more than enough to be a major threat from the start.

Finally, here's how other pros fared today in event #7:

Barry Greenstein - 20th - $11,010
Hoyt Corkins - 22nd - $11,010
Annie Duke - 32nd - $7,705
Mimi Tran - 36th - $7,705
Ted Lawson - 48th - $5,285
Jennifer Harman - 49th - $5,285
Scott Fischman - 54th - $5,285
Freddie Deeb - 61st - $4,405

Gordon's knocked out after just doubling up 30 minutes into final table play. He reraised David Pham preflop and Pham countered with an all-in that Gordon was happy to hear; he was looking down at pocket aces. Gordon called immediately and Pham rolled tens over. After a blank flop, a ten appeared on the turn and Gordon didn't improve on 5th. He finishes in 8th place and takes home $66,055. Meng La was eliminated in 9th Place, $44,035.

We'll be sure to check out Gordon's podcast recapping his short time at the final table.

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