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One Happy Dikshit

PartypokerpageAnurag Dikshit (A. Dikshit, for short), the 30-something reclusive operating officer for online gambling company PartyGaming, ___________ (fill in the blank with a gambling metaphor for receiving money - i.e. "cashed out," "raked in," "scooped") more than $700 million yesterday when the controversial business he founded, along with phone-sex/internet porn princess Ruth Parasol, went public on the London Stock Exchange. Even better, A. Dikshit still has a stake in the company worth almost $3 billion. Investors apparently weren't swayed by the fact that 90% of PartyGaming's business is coming from the U.S., where internet gambling remains illegal, and it looks as if some American fund managers participated in the opening round of buying despite A. Hole's like Eliot Spitzer out there who may try to bust things up for some media face time as he pursues political goals.

At the end of the day, PartyGaming's market value was assessed at about $9.1 billion (that's 5 billion quid UK, which makes the company valued higher than British Airways). PartyGaming runs three online properties -- PartyPoker, StarluckCasino and PartyBingo -- and now has more than 50% of the global online poker market. Not too shabby for A. Dikshit.

So just who is A. Dikshit? Well, Tom Cruise is A. Dikshit . . . ok, sorry . . . had to work that in at least once. Dikshit is a graduate of the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology in Delhi and had previosuly worked as a software developer in the United States in the 1990s B.O. (Before Outsourcing). In 1998, he met Ruth Parasol, who had just started StarluckCasino after ditching the perv business, and A. Dikshit went on to develop online poker software that would eventually become the platform for everyone's famous online poker site to curse, PartyPoker.com.

Yep, it takes on a whole new meaning the next time your flopped set of Aces get sucked out on the river by some donkey, and you yell out "You FXXXin' Dikshit."

By the way, Dikshit is unfortunately pronounced "DIX-sit".

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Anurag Dikshit

Sounds like you're a bit jealous! I don't know too many dikshit billionaires, you tosser!

No hard feelings friend. If you ever fancy a free weekend on my 200ft yacht in the south of France then call me (1-800-dixshit-says-f-off)

Danny Kainth

I must say he was at the right place at the right time! Good IPO results.

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