Johnny Rockets from Daytona Has Been Eliminated
Johnny Rockets. From Daytona. You know. World famous poker player. Dominator of the Big Game. A-lister banging Perfect 10 models.
What's that? Never heard of him?
Well, you will. Yet another poker player at this year's WSOP has put himself on a William Hung-esque career trajectory. And that man is Johnny Rockets. From Daytona.
"I need ESPN to table 25, please!" Johnny hollered in the Rio convention hall. "Johnny Rockets from Daytona is all in!"
This wasn't the first time Johnny tried to get on the TV radar. But it was his best effort. ESPN rushed over and captured every split-second of this gripping, life-altering hand unfold.
"I need clubs!" Johnny yelled as the flop yielded one club for his suited hand.
"I got one of 'em!" he screamed as the turn gave him another club. a moment that will go down right behind Neil Armstrong's walk on the moon in the history of impactful television...Johnny...missed his club and was sent to the rail.
"Johnny Rockets is done!" said Johnny Rockets. From Daytona.
And then...he left to a round of applause from players and spectators. It was a show of respect on par with the kids in Dead Poet's Society giving Mr. Keating the "Oh Captain, My Captain."
See that tear of water rolling down your monitor? That is a tear from Wicked Chops Poker, truly touched by this moment. Sniff.