Looking for Good NLH Advice?
Hey, we all need to get better. Here's some different takes on NLH strategy to consider (or re-consider). Either way, worth the read:
Getting the Most from Your Hand (Double As, July 28) - Double As was chip leader deep into WSOP event #43. He presents some great perspective on getting value for your hands.
NLTH Wisdom - Von Sandman has won a handsome bundle of $$$ online and qualified for this year's WSOP Main Event not once, but twice. He also won the 4th Street Poker Tour game that Wicked Chops participated in--so he's clearly a force. This is a good primer and reminder on the foundation of solid NLH play.
Empty Seats - A thought-provoking method of dealing with huge tournament fields - Typically Scott Fischman's poker acumen far exceeds that of his writing. He manages to make his hand on this one though.
Coming next week we'll have a piece from Bull, a WCP tournament regular. He's a dominant online tournament player and will share some of his tips. Keep an eye out for it.