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Player Profile: Deadbeat Dayne Baverman

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Deadbeat_dadTwo years ago on day two of the Jack Binion World Poker Open, Dayne Baverman was playing the best poker of his life. After starting off with just $12,200 in chips, the Cincinatti, Ohio resident went on an impressive run to finish the day as the chip leader, outstacking the final 27 remaining, including heavyweights like Ivey, Hellmuth, Devilfish, Grimes and McEvoy.

The next day he was out quickly in 20th place.

It seems Baverman just didn't know what to do with the money when he had it.

Flash forward to this past week, Baverman, who has racked up more than $50,000 in tournament winnings since 2003 including a cash at last year's WSOP main event, still doesn't know what to do with the money when he has it, like paying child support to 6 of his 8 children. Apparently the 51-year-old hasn't paid a dime over the past year or so and now owes $31,221 for six of his eight children. He finally got the bad beat he deserved though when he was arrested in the middle of a hand at the Gold Strike Casino in Tunica, Miss. and now faces up to three years in jail for failing to pay child support.

Baverman was able to shirk his duties thanks to cash winnings that didn't show up anywhere . . . except all over the Internet. Yes, Google his name or just click here to see how he's been doing. Kathy Hayes, Baverman's former wife and mother of their children, had been keeping track of her deadbeat ex over the Internet for the past 2 years, watching his winnings pile up month after month as her bills piled up at home. With the help of tournament reports published online at Hendon Mob, Poker Player and elsewhere, a grand jury finally indicted the donkey and authorities tracked him down in Tunica.

What's next for Deadbeat Dayne's poker career? Not sure, but we're guessing if he plays his cards right he may be able to win enough smokes in the prison ring games to pay off anyone wanting to toss his salad.

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gold diggers

I dont think the guy did anything wrong. It was the ladies choice to have the kids; not his.

It is cool he found a way to get cash so that he could beat the system. Wish I could find a way...

ed felson

As dayne baverman's attorney you need to update and correct your records. Dayne is in full compliance with all court orders re: child support, spousal support and any other matters involving the court.
This was a bitter and difficult divorce but not unlike many we hear and read about.
For the sake of the kids, the details should remain private but I will say that the animosity extended to other family members.
Hopefully the healing process has begun and will continue.

Ed Felson, atty at law.

I couldn't have said it better myself. Although I could add many many more tidbits of information. Thank you for being so blunt concerning this deadbeat dad. He abandoned his family and continues to find no fault in doing so. The sad part is he did not get a prison sentence just because he had not committed any other crimes. Just a slap on the wrist and 5 years probation. Now, if he doesn't pay in full the monthly arrearage which is over $3,000 a month due to his lack of payments over the years, he will face 3 years in prison. His track record leads me to believe he will not follow through on the payments. I "threw in my hand" several years ago on him - and now finally, I along with 7 of my eight children have a life.Yes, 7 of my children. My oldest daughter passed away this past March at the young age of 27. The donkey deadbeat father did not even come to his own daughters funeral, why, because he said he knew he would be arrested. Does that give you even a hint of the type of person you are "dealing" with!!! Thank you again for shedding some light on this deadbeat dad. Currently, he owes $77,600+ in spousal and child support.

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