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Prez Bush: "Be All You Can Bodog"

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BushaddressKerryandcrow_1While senator/ex-prez candidate/perpetual freeloader John Kerry was trying to make a move on Sheryl Crow this weekend, whose beau Lance Armstrong was off on some bike ride in the French countryside, President George Bush was stirring the nation with the following remarks during his new weekly podcast:

“If we don’t play poker, listen to Snoop Dogg and hang out with Bodog girls, then the terrorists win.”

Snoop_2It was a compelling proclamation, a battle cry if you will, and thanks to the folks at Bodog, our troops stationed in Hawaii were able to combat the enemy right on our home turf at the "Bodog Salutes the Troops: A Tribute to American Heroes,” a charity event featuring a cast of celebrities, musicians, comedians and troops interacting in various activities including a poker tournament that was won by uber-model/actress Estella Warren and a concert last night with Snoop Dogg and Bif Naked.

Bush’s comment served not only as a call to our nation not to cower to the ghastly deeds of jihadists but as a veiled response to the controversy surrounding Bodog’s charity event. Bodog1Apparently the Department of Defense, which greenlighted the event, was questioned on whether it was “proselytizing” Internet gambling by aligning itself with an online casino. As reported by the Las Vegas Sun, Phil Strub, special assistant for entertainment media for the Defense Department (that can’t be a real job title), claimed, “I'm not a legal expert but I would have thought that someone ... would have raised this if we thought it was a radioactive thing . . . you know, like depleted uranium dust."

Strubb did admit that “there was some initial concern that the event could be promoting gambling” but that they just wanted to give troops the opportunity to enjoy a concert and play poker with Shannon Elizabeth, something many just had to pay 10 g’s for the pleasure of doing so.

To head off any legal concerns as well as make obvious the absurdity of our Dept. of Justice and its interpretation of the 1961 (B.C. that is) Wire Act, the event was actually sponsored by Bodog.net, Bodog’s play-money site, which is not linked in anyway, url-wise, to Bodog.com. Genius.

Anyway, the whole purpose of this post is to tell you to support The Fisher House Foundation, the beneficiary of the Bodog event. The program donates "comfort homes" that enable family members to be close to a loved one at the most stressful times - during the hospitalization for an unexpected illness, disease, or injury.

In no way was the purpose of this post to publish photos of Bodog girls, Shannon Elizabeth and Estella Warren like the ones you'll see if you click "Continue reading..." (courtesy of Bodog).


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The girl on the right in the bodog4 image is absolutely amazing. I have been trying to find images of her ever since I saw her in a magazine called poker life. Anyone know her name?


All Your Base Are Belong To Us


What does one have to do to work for Bodog? In fact, I would pay to work at Bodog. Good money too.

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