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A Big Pair Can Only Get Jessica Simpson So Far

Photo_20_hires_2Giving new meaning to the expression, "poker in the rear," you can now hone your hold'em skills against Daisy Duke v.2k5, Jessica Simpson.

Thanks to Warner Bros., horny teenage boys all over the land that were searching for pics of Jessica Simpson on the Dukes of Hazzard Web site (like the one we stumbled across here, which is strictly beside the point) have even more reason to get hooked on the great game of poker

Wicked Chops played a few virtual hands against the buxom booty, and we have to admit that we found Jessica Simpson to be surprisingly tight...but easy. 

Let's put it this way, she may start off with a big stack, but if you keep pounding away, she wears down quickly...just ask Johnny Knoxville or Bam Margera.  Seriously though, the game isn't tough to crack, and you can be done with her in about two minutes, but we're sure you'll boast to your friends that it lasted a little bit longer.

Visit the official Dukes of Hazzard site to play.  It's probably a better investment of your time than the actual movie anyway.   

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Whenever I have a straight or trips, I still lose to Daisy's pair. It's crap.


I read somewhere that the working title for the game was "Daisy Duke Sucks Heads-up". Actually I didnt read that somewhere, well, except for right here...as I type. But seriously try the game....I'm guessing they used Jessica Simpson's intelligence as a basis for the AI behind it's decision making.


I have a penis the size of a turtle's head and she was even tight for me at first...but after a few of my all-ins, she eventually loosened up...

oh, are we talking about poker?


knoxville passed a lie detector test on Howard Stern saying he did not have sex with Jessica... for whatever the hell that is worth.

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