Hollywood Poker: Hot or Not?
:: snake
I think actor James Woods--as Chad Kroeger may say--is a rockin’ dude. I mean Woods spotted the 9/11 terrorists way before anyone else did, and to boot, he followed that up by portraying NYC mayoral badass Rudy Giuliani in a made-for-television movie
And yes, Woods is as serious about poker as anyone reading this post.
But is anyone reading this post seriously playing poker on Woods’ site Hollywood Poker, which he co-founded with "World Poker Tour Is Enough" impresario Vince Van Patten? Maybe so, I mean Charles in Charge Scott Baio* apparently is a regular on Hollywood Poker and Mena Suvari has been spotted online but I’ve still yet to meet someone in person who’s played there.
Well, like a lot of poker sites, Hollywood is going with the “sex sells” approach to drum up some bizness; for them they’re looking to give us 12 good reasons to stop by their url with the 2006 Hollywood Poker Girls calendar search. According to Van Patten, "Models from all over the world entered the competition, but our selection of top finalists is the cream of the crop. We had such an enormous turnout for this competition that we, unfortunately, had to turn many gorgeous women away."
Maybe Vince can’t quite spot gorgeous women as well as his partner Woods can spot terrorists. While the caliber of girls they’ve narrowed it down to is far better than the lot Pauly of Tao of Poker shared the other day in his post about a strip club bust, and likely much better than those Redneck Riviera stripwhores he writes about, they ain't Bodog material.
Which reminds me, at this year’s WSOP, an interesting thing to, shall we say, analyze was the model talent hired by each online site. I think any Wicked Chops reader knows our affinity to the Bodog Girls, and really no other poker site came even close in talent. Paradise Poker did have a cute non “model” working for them, as did CardPlayer, and Poker Stars at least had Erin Ness, but when talking about paid talent, there wasn’t even a close second. And to go further, and this is sad to say, but the Doyle’s Room models would be serious contenders in a Ms. Fugly Pageant against the aforementioned busted strippers. I love ya Doyle but please next time let Wicked Chops do the hiring.
Anyway, this is America so do something patriotic and help Woods and Van Patten pick their 12 by voting for your favorites at www.hollywoodpoker.com. The chosen will be featured in the 2006 Hollywood Poker Girls Calendar and participate at the Calendar Launch Party this November in Hollywood, CA. Players who vote will automatically enter a drawing to win a trip to the launch party, which we don't expect to be up to Calvin Ayre standards, but if Suvari stops by, it may be worth it . . . at least you'll be able to finally say you've met someone in person who plays at HollywoodPoker.com.
(* Re: 6 Degress of Carmen Electra, Scott Baio's an easy one -- Scott did Pamela Anderson did/does Tommy Lee who did Carmen Electra)
dan, i so badly want to put up a pic of one of the other busted strippers...but it hurts too much. it really does. I mean the one posted in the article is by far the best of the lot (in an attractive sense...not pure ugliness sense). I considered putting up Stripwhore 12 or possibly 6 or maybe even 10, who by the way must be preggers, but I feared our site getting a virus...you never know. I do encourage folks to go see the damaged goods for yourself.
Posted by: Snake | August 09, 2005 at 12:44 PM
While some of those strippers busted aren't bad looking at all, number 12 Shannon Collino is a fucking troll!! With a glass eye! You should add her to that which one is not like the others post you did!
Posted by: Dan | August 09, 2005 at 12:19 PM