THE TOKE: Bots for Sale, Poker + Hollywood Stars Buy In, Poker or Gisele? + 6 Nude/Topless Models
• Bots For Sale. Wired Magazine's David Kushner takes a seat with Winholdem creator Ray E. Bornet II to discuss the first commercially available autoplaying poker software. Wired Magazine
• Poker + Hollywood Stars Buy In. Card Player reports that poker’s most successful players and top Hollywood talent have taken notice of their success by investing in "The Poker Authority." Phil Hellmuth, Daniel Negreanu, Todd Brunson, Jennifer Harman, and Thomas Keller, along with Hollywood stars Laura Prepon, Danny Masterson, and Chris Masterson have all purchased a stake in Card Player Media, LLC.
• Poker or Gisele? Celebrity News reports that Leonardo DiCaprio and his pal Spiderman have become so obsessed with poker that neither have time for their girlfriends. Is there anything wrong with that? Celebrity News
• 6 Nude/Topless Models & Servers for Poker Party. This is a recent header for a posting on Craigslist in Washington, DC. Chuck has a thing for Asian girls, the poster likes thin girls and the rest of the guys taste vary from latina, black to white. They promise no funny business and say its just their way of rewarding themselves for long hours of work everyday.
I volunteer MJW to send his topless photo for the craiglist post.
Posted by: iPod | August 29, 2005 at 02:58 PM
Gisseles come and go, but poker lasts a lifetime.
Posted by: Kahn | August 29, 2005 at 06:04 AM