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Brunch for the Bayou Charity Tourney Update

Bbrunch_3_2Spots are still available for the Brunch for the Bayou charity tournament.  You can register by emailing [email protected].  The tournament starts at noon.  It will be wrapped no later than 3:30.  What you need to know:

  • Entry fee is $100.  It includes brunch.  You can pay with cash (preferred), check, or credit.  Doors for the event open at 10am so get there early and fill up before you play.
  • While we expect some walk-in entries, if you have pre-registered, your name will be on a sign-up list at the door.  Just say you're there for the charity hold'em tournament.  A portion of your entry is tax deductible.
  • The hold'em tournament is located in the back meeting room in Copeland's.  You'll see the tables and cards set up. 
  • Given the size of the tables, we will not have room for dealers.  Participants will deal themselves until the final table (remaining 5 or 6), when we will bring a dealer in.
  • 1st prize is two tickets to Las Vegas courtesy of Airtran and entry into a WSOP Circuit event.  There are three Vegas circuit events over the next eight months to choose from...we'll work with you to determine the best fit for your schedule.  Second place is a package that includes entry into the ESPN.com Poker Club's WSOP Main Event qualifying tournament.  Other prizes from final table participants include autographed copies of Phil Gordon's Final Table DVD and assorted gear from the good people at Bodog.com (great site, you should be playing on it).  In fact, thanks to Bodog, all participants will be receiving something (cards, hats, etc.) Working on other prizes to include in the package, like season-ending Braves tickets or Hawks tickets for later in the year.

Keep reading for the blind schedule and chip structure...

Every participant will start with 1,000 chips (betting units).  Depending on the final number of entrants, blind levels will increase either every 15 or 20 minutes (likely 20).  If there is still a large number of participants playing at 3:00, we will increase the blind schedules every 10 minutes to wrap the game up by 3:30.   We hope the schedule gives everyone ample time to play at the lower levels, but we will need to wrap it up so schedules will get more aggressive as the game proceeds. 

Blind Structure:
Level 1: 10 - 20
Level 2: 15 - 30
Level 3: 20 - 40
Level 4: 25 - 50
* Short break and will color up chips.

Level 5: 50 - 100
Level 6: 100 - 200  ante - 25
Level 7: 200 - 400  ante - 50
Level 8: 300 - 600  ante - 100
Level 9: 400 - 800  ante - 100
Level 10: 500 - 1000 ante - 200

* If needed...

Level 11: 1000 - 2000 ante - 500
Level 12: 2000 - 4000 ante - 1000

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Sounds like a kick-ass event, and the charity thing makes it even cooler. I'll try to make it in from Nashville!

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