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Georgia Native Phil Gordon in Town to Promote Tourney

Gordon1Chops here.

For our ATL readers, that six foot nine dude you saw in the Highlands this weekend was not another Koncak/Keefe Hawks draft pick from days of yore.  No, it really was Phil Gordon (pictured right, at WSOP).  And instead of banking shots, he just banks checks. 

Gordon, the business savvy ex-Yellow Jacket and Stone Mountain native, was in Atlanta to promote Degree’s All-In Poker Experience.  I caught up with Gordon to discuss his latest roles with ESPN and Degree.   

Of course, before I got in a question in, Gordon got in a game of Roshambo against one of the event organizers.  After winning a quick $40 bucks (Gordon lost the first round, but won by challenging the guy to another match, double or nothing), Gordon mentioned how ESPN had asked him to, “provide content for their The Nuts segment during World Series broadcasts.”  Gordon proposed a $200 entry Roshambo tournament to benefit cancer research and prevention.  He said the tourney “filled up in two hours and raised $5,000 for charity.”  It aired last week.  Dutch Boyd’s little bro, Bobby, beat Annie Duke in the finals.

Gordon has also been providing more content for ESPN’s Poker Club, including this recent take on the virtues of Benjamin Franklin and poker

For Degree, Gordon has been traveling the country for over a month promoting their All-In Poker Experience.  “This is the last stop of the tour.  Each stop gives a free seat to the [World Series of Poker] Main Event.”  Gordon said that Degree will also give away a free seat to the Main Event online.  “All you have to do is go to degreedeodorant.com and register.”

For more information on the Degree All-In Experience, visit the Degree Deodorant Web site.  Also, check out Wicked Chops Poker tomorrow for our review and Q&A on Gordon’s Final Table DVD.   

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dalton was there

pretty good seminar on pot odds etc... free beer and food- i won a degree "the folder" "in"-action hero doll.... almost as good as a free seat to the WSOP.....


There were a bunch of people there, just no WCP'ers...


Shit. Wish I knew about the event before it took place. Did anyone go to the Zone in hopes of winning the free entry?

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