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Deuce of Spades is Uranus...and Other Revelations

:: snake

Pinupcard_1Based on the presidential elections of 2000 and 2004, it's clear that in 2008 Phil Gordon will need to reach out to Red State voters in his bid to become the leader of the Free(roll) World. And as such, it would certainly be helpful for Phil to find some connection between his love of poker and the Eternal Chip Leader High Above; other than, of course, the Hail Marys people offer up to the Queen of Cards when attempting a poorly timed bluff.

Well, apparently one of Phil's fans has found a connection. On Gordon's website, the Next President of the United States of America shares an email from a constituent who asks:

"Have you ever investigated the Bible sir? In it, is a description of the playing cards. The Bible as a guide, to why we play Poker, is why we write."

The devoted Phil fan goes on to explain how playing cards relates to the Book of Revelations, which I understand is at the end of the Bible and talks about the end of the world and apparently, from what this guy says, Uranus.

I have to admit here that with respect to the Book of Revelations I'm clueless. I did see The Seventh Sign with Demi Moore, but as I've revealed before, the list of books I've read cover to cover is rather short (1. Count of Monte Cristo, 2. Aces and Kings, 3. Curious George), so let's just say I'm a few Matthews and Johns from ever getting to the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse (they played for Notre Dame right?).

UranusAnyway, to prove his point the guy goes through some demonstration of how you can lay out a deck of cards and then "clearly see God's perfection." I tried it out and didn't come up with the same thing. For example, somehow I think I was suppose to see that the Ace of Hearts is the planet Mercury and the Deuce of Spades is, well you guessed it, Uranus. But all I saw was that the 3 of Clubs was a hot Marilyn Monroe look-a-like.

Perhaps it depends on the deck you use. The result was the same I guess though, you know that part about clearly seeing God's perfection.

Go check out the email at PhilGordonPoker.com and see what you come up with.

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