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Tournament Rake: USPC Main Event

Uspc1_1Day 2 of the United States Poker Championship Main Event is in the books.  A lot of big names stack the remaining field.  Mark Seif, John D'Agostino, Gavin Smith, John Juanda, and Chris "Jesus" Ferguson (who last month won another WSOP circuit event) have been at or near the chip lead for a good chunk of day 2. 

D'Agostino in particular has a stellar history at this event, as he was one brutally bad beat by Hoyt Corkins (as shown on ESPN) from being in strong position to win it last year.  With five final table appearances in tournaments with over a $5k buy-in since 2004, if anyone is due for a breakthrough win at a major event, it's D'Agostino. 

After winning two bracelets at this year's WSOP, Mark Seif continues his recent strong play.  Seif also won the $2,500 7-Card Stud event over the weekend at this year's USPC. 

And maybe Steve Dannenman's runner-up at the WSOP ME was no fluke, as he's still in the hunt, although lagging as the 61st stack (23,600) of the 69 remaining.  Here's other remaining notable's chip counts: 1) Ralph Pecorale - 170,200, 4) Mark Seif - 166,000, 7) John D'Agostino - 151,600, 8) Amnon Filippi - 128,300, 10) Gavin Smith - 113,200, 11) Jean-Robert Bellande - 113,200, 14) John Juanda - 102,500, 16) Chris 'Jesus' Ferguson - 88,800, 20) Surinder Sunar - 83,100, 29) Erik Seidel - 66,000,      
34) Men 'The Master' Nguyen - 55,000, 42) Miami' John Cernuto - 39,200, 47) Michael 'The Grinder' Mizrachi (he's a machine!) - 36,900, 49) Allen Kessler - 35,400, 53) Kathy Liebert - 29,500, 67) Layne Flack - 13,100,

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