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Don’t Let This Happen to You:
The Damaging Affects of Video Poker

CliffyPoor Clifford Jennings.

He had it all, man.  He’s a twice-elected mayor of the booming metropolitan area of LaFollette, TN.  He owned a building.  Possibly even two.  His reputation was unfettered, without a blemish, as far as we know.

Now…gone.  All gone.  All gone because of video poker

Don’t let this happen to you.

Hopefully, the Marion Barry of Video Poker's plight has taught you a powerful lesson.  And that lesson is this: video poker is lame.

Cliffy2Yes, had Cliffy been running a regular live ring game in his building, he’d be a hero.  We’d ask him for interviews and shower him with praise.

But video poker is stupid.  And so is Cliffy.  As seen in this vid clip (passed along by Wicked Chops reader Hannah), Jennings is caught watching illegal, lame video poker played in one of his buildings.   Now, he has outraged his entire city.  Believe it or not, even the woman Cliffy beat for mayor in the last election is (without a hint of a hidden agenda) calling for his resignation. 

Said the defeated Lucy Lobertini, "I think he should resign to just get the city out of the spotlight right now. Then he can do what he needs to do to fight the case or whatever *[and allow me to swoop in as mayor again and rule you rubes with an iron fist...AN IRON FIST!!! BWAH-HA-HA-HAAAA.]*.”

Federal charges likely await Cliffy.  And all because of video poker.  What a shame. 

Wicked Chops readers, we implore you to stay away from video poker.  If you can’t find a live game anywhere, then please, please…log on to the Internet and play.  There are alternatives.  Find them. 

This has been a public service announcement from Wicked Chops Poker.

*[ ]* information inside the brackets was a dramatization of likely thoughts.

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