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WSOP TOC: Hellmuth, Matusow, and THE WEAZ.

Elishacuthbert3 Holiday entertainment has always had unique pairings that etch themselves into our collective memory.  Ralphie, Scut Farkus, and Flick having it out in A Christmas Story.  Emmet Otter, Ma Otter, and the Riverbottom Nightmare Band going all American Idol for you in Emmet Otter's Jug Band Christmas.  Addict fave Elisha Cuthbert (at right), Shannon Elizabeth, and Denise Richards keeping you warm in Love Actually.

And now, we have Hellmuth, Matusow, and the Weaz.

The WSOP TOC will be aired on Christmas Eve.  The final table is set.  Remarkably, Phil Hellmuth and Mike Matusow remain one-two for the overall chip lead (with 281,500 and 179,000, respectively).  Joining them at the final table are the Weaz (122,000) and Hoyt Corkins (95,000).  The other guys you may or may not care about are: Keith Sexton - 95,500, Brandon Adams - 135,500, Tony Bloom - 130,000, Grant Lang - 61,500, and David Levi - 41,000.  Check out Poker Wire later in the day for final table updates.

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For some reasons I feel compelled to watch Old School when i get home from work tonight.


and p.s.

Dear Santa Claus, please bring me Elisha Cuthbert for Christmas...and peace to the world and all the stuff too.


and btw, blinds are 2-4k and antes 500 going into the final 9. And the 10th place "bubble boy" was none other than Doyle Brunson, which, with Hellmuth, Matusow and the Weaz there...well let's just say the table could have used some Brunson. If Hoyt can make a play here early and get some traction it would be great to see him unravel either 'muth or mouth. He has the right style and table image for it. though i don't see hellmuth losing much of his advantage here (he has before though on the WPT) so hoyt and the rest of the gang will likely need to battle each other before getting to Phil.

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