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Cover Your Raise with Kimono Condoms


Snake: Chops, u ever see this commercial?

Chops: No.

Snake: Got anything funny to say about it?

Chops: Hmm, I can't think of any implied poker terminology that would be appropriate here.



Big Stack?

None work in this context.

Snake: Yeh I'm stumped too. Hey, don't the actors kind of look like porn stars? I mean the cheesy string bettin dude who goes all in has a ponytail. Isn't there a classic Socratic syllogism that goes:

All actors who have ponytails are porn stars.
This actor has a ponytail.
This actor is a porn star.

Chops: I'm not sure what male porn stars look like from the waist up.

Snake: Hey get this, the president of this condom company says, "Kimono is the choice for sophisticated young-adults; an important part of their wardrobe is the condom they wear."

Chops: You know, I was wondering when wearing a condom as an accessory would catch on. Been doing it for years. Hopefully the same will happen soon for my next favorite dick accessory, the cock-ring.

Snake: Btw, I'm using this email exchange for the post, in lieu of giving any more details about this ad..


Chops: Daddy likey.

I'm "Daddy" in the context of the above sentence, fyi.

Use that, it's gold.

And use the fact that I said, "Use that, it's gold."

It's gold.

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That was really upsetting. Kid Rock is no longer Kid Rock to me. From here on out, he's Bob.


and since we're talking porn the new Scott Sapp (i think he was some Jesus like character in a bad 90s rock band that released the same song, disguised as a different song, over and over to radio) and Kid Rock sex tape is out.

Boy that sounds fantastic. Sapp and Kid together on one sex tape.


check out a quasi NSFW clip here and puke in your mouth when Scott says its great to be king.


Snake, I'm afraid you're correct: I was a bad actor with a bad ponytail and my only co-star in my porn career was a box of Kleenex.

So, in conclusion, I think this means your syllogism is legitimate.

I'm glad we had this discussion. I think...


yeh i know...its a bit of a flawed syllogism as Lorenzo Lamas always had a pony tail and he didnt do porn./ altho he isn't much of an actor either. perhaps all actors who have ponytails are bad actors and/or do porn. Seems to work. I mean you had a ponytail and acted in high school yet don't act now. so that means you must have been a bad actor...or did porn.

as far as chops tells me, dong size isn't a variable.


I used to have a pony tail, and I was in drama club in high school. So, as long as the size of your dong isn't a variable, I guess I used to be a porn star. I bet I really enjoyed it, too. Thanks Wicked Chops Poker!


that's gold!

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