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New York Euphoria Capture Bodog Lingerie Bowl III

Lingeriebowl Game 7 of the '91 World SeriesThe Rumble in the JungleUSC-Notre Dame '05

Now, the sporting world must add another classic to the list of all-time great games: Lingerie Bowl III.

As posted yesterday, poker (or in this case, an online poker site) offered a number of alternatives to the Super Bowl (of American football). At the top of the list was Bodog's Lingerie Bowl.  And it certainly lived up to the hype.

In a battle of true epic proportions, the New York Euphoria defeated defending champs the Los Angeles Temptation by a final score of 13-12.

Jenny_mccarthy_8Uber-whore Trischelle Cannatella took home MVP honors.  After claiming the MVP trophy, she celebrated by getting shitfaced off Tequila shots and having a ten-thousand-forty-seven-some with every male in the stadium*.

Finally rebounding from her career apex of Singled Out, the event was ably hosted by rumored Jenna Jameson fling Jenny McCarthy.  The alleged affair to remember took place in a Vegas bathroom.  We know there are cameras everywhere in Vegas casinos.  So please, please if you're in charge of video monitoring for the establishment this took place in...please leak it on the Internet. 

For more pics of the event (that is, the Lingerie Bowl III), hit the Bodog Beat.

* Unsubstantiated.

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