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Ugh...here we go...
Goehring, Goehring, Gone! Alan Snags LAPC Title!

Alternate title: Goehring, Goehring, Gone! Alan Goehring Claims LAPC Victory!

Thanks to Bangs and Bones at Weathered Living for naming our headline for the latest WPT event.  And thank God Steven Simmons didn't win

As you might've surmised, Alan Goehring, who was near the chip lead since Day 1, "finished the drill" (as Mark Richt would say) and took the title.

This is Goehring's second WPT victory, having won the first WPT World Championship in Seaon 1.  Goehring banked $2,391,550 for the win, double what he raked in for the inaugural WPT championship just a few years ago.

The rest of the final table finishes were: 2) Daniel Quach - $1,162,560, 3) Michael Woo - $571,315, 4) Steven Simmons - $338,803, 5) JC Tran - $265,728, 6) Per Ummer - $199,296.

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