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Chops Goes All In, Gets Married

SavingchoppperWicked Chops Poker co-founder, Chops, folded his bachelorhood this past weekend and got hitched in Hawaii.

While Snake and Sammy “Killer” Reid made a last ditch attempt to keep Chops from pushing his stack into the nuptials pot (wait, that didn’t come out right), Chops and his bride, Lady Chops, went “all-in” by trading vows Saturday night.

By going heads-up with Lady Chops, Chops is officially pot committed to this relationship.  Said Chops, “Yeah, wow.  I was just splashing the pot and next thing I know, I’m involved in the biggest hand of my life.  So goes it with poker…I mean marriage.  Same difference.”

Zapruder-esque granular cell phone pics of the nups at the jump.

Chops, moments before the main event...


The sunshine glows like a glowing sun down on the couple...


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chops! how lovely. so happy for you. all the best...blessings...big love....


WHOA! chops, something compelled me to check out your site today... though i was kinda looking forward to the party of the century, at least i know i can stop checking my mailbox for that fat envelope with the bad calligraphy! okay, you guys would be too cool for that... CONGRATULATIONS!


Thanks to all. SUCKS being back...mahola or whatever they say.

Kid Dynamite

Chops = big pimp. just look at those shades... best of luck

Complex Slim



Congratulations to you and Lady Chops, Chops!


That guy who directed "Big Daddy"...man he's really talented. Btw, congrats.


You may still have options....were you under the influence of alcohol? nooooooooo.....just kidding! CONGRATS DUDE!!!!


Congratulations to you both! Looks like a beautiful ceremony!


u know i didn't even realize it when i first saw it that that head on the left was jake the snake plummer...was drawing a blank there..thank god you don't have snapshot of my head like that.


Congrats! Welcome to the club....man it is getting crowded in here.



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