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First Ever WPT-branded Poker Room Opens

Electra_1A famous hot chick, a poker pro or two and a red carpet. It's almost a cliché these days when launching a new poker room, product or gaming site.

OK, it is a cliché.

But it's one poker cliché I don't think anyone is complaining about.

And to no surprise it's exactly how it went down at the Foxwoods Resort Casino yesterday when the world's largest casino opened the first ever WPT-branded poker room and on hand to deal the ceremonial first hand was Dave Navarro's soon-to-be-ex, Carmen Electra (if the tab's are to be believed and when are they ever wrong? Seriously. They're never wrong.). Also present was poker pro/WPT co-host Mike Sexton along with a room full of people drinking $3,000 martinis that were likely billed as WPTinis (if they weren't, call us for your next event). "Celebs" (which will remain in quotes until we see the guest list) and VIPs (that's a $2 word) played a $25,000 winner-take-all tournament in the expanded, newly designed 114 table poker room, appropriately named the "WPT Poker Room at Foxwoods."

Steve Lipscomb, Founder and CEO of WPT Enterprises, Inc. had the following to say about the WPT branding of a poker room:

“This is the point when our brand truly moves into the casino in a major way. We’ve licensed our name to slot machines and gaming tables, and this is the next significant step—the evolution of the WPT brand at the casino level. Poker players will experience the WPT excitement first hand in an environment that evokes the cool, classy, charismatic character of our show. We applaud our partners at Foxwoods for continuing to expand the benefits of our mutual relationship.”

Did anyone just read that quote? I'm guessing not.

There's a pic of Carmen Electra with this post in case you missed it.

Oh, in semi-related news, Dave Navarro added us as his MySpace friend. We just got in under his 72,000th friend mark. Talk about VIP.

UPDATE: If you care, and you don't, but we got word that the $3,000 martinis were that pricey because each came with a pair of custom-made blue sapphire and diamond earrings.

You don't care right?

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