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Friday Night Parting Shot: Savannah


If 20-year-old Savannah H. from McDonough, Georgia was any cuter she'd be a fluffy little bunny named Peaches, which is ironic because Savannah has a fluffy little bunny named Peaches. This self-described country girl loves her cowboy boots and is currently a college student while part-timing at her Grandpa's hardware store. Yes, you heard right. She's a 20-year-old, blonde-hair, brown-eyed, cowboy boot wearin' Georgia girl named Savannah who has a bunny named Peaches, goes to college and works part-time in her gramp's hardware store.

Where do we find these girls? Just sounds too good to be true?

In a way it is. You see, before you make plans to hop on the next plane down to Atlanta and roll on over to McDonough, you should know that sweet Savannah is, as they like to say down here, already spoken for. And since we're nice guys we'll even pimp her beau, Danny Moore, who's a singer/songwriter down in these here neck o' the woods. You can see where he's playing and check out a tune or two over at www.dannymooremusic.com.

Savannah6_2But enough about lucky Danny. When we asked Savannah if she plays poker, she said, "I hardly ever have time to play poker, but I love it!"

And while her love of poker is certainly a plus, let's just say she had us at "a fluffy little bunny named Peaches."

If you're looking for Savannah over at MySpace, be warned that she's set her profile on private, and probably for good reason, 'cause as Chops likes to say "MySpace is creepy." And if you go there and it says her age is 14, don't worry we haven't lost our minds. On MySpace that is the only way to make your profile private (and again for good reason), and we do know for a fact that Savannah is 20 as she lives just down the way from the WCP office and we were lucky enough to meet her before this whole "Parting Shot" series got underway. So while you may not be able to see her full profile online or photos like the one where she's dressed as a pirate for Halloween, we will share with you a Jeff Foxworthy-like tidbit (this is Georgia now) she has up on her blog entitled "Ya Might be from Georgia If"....it's posted after the jump, along with a pic of Peaches.

Ya might be from Georgia if...

- Sweet tea is THE drink.

- "Ya'll" is a regularly used word.

- Atlanta is known as "The City."

- You know the difference between a hillbilly, a redneck, and a Southerner.

- You go to Walmart in the middle of the night just for fun.

- You know what a 'dawg' is.

- Your whole town completely shuts down for 1 inch of snow or just the threat of snow.

- You know at least three streets named "Peachtree."

- It is not a shopping cart, it is a buggy.

- People actually grow, eat and like okra!

- You've ever had to switch from "heat" to "A/C" in the same day.

- You use "fix" as a verb. Example: "I'm fixing to go to the store."

- All the festivals across the state are named after a fruit, vegetable, grain, insect or animal.

- You know all four seasons: Almost Summer, Summer, still Summer and Christmas.

- You describe the first cool snap (below 70 degrees) as good pinto-bean weather.

- You understand these jokes.

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thanks yall for the nice comments!


Let's get Savannah a seat at the WCPT final table at the end of April. Like a Michelle Wie sponsors' exemption. Danny can play guitar.


you guys need to start your own online poker company ...even if its just so you have the Wicked Chops Girls ...like Bodog and the gang...but better.

Kid Dynamite

mmm.. Peaches...


guys i have to hand it to you...she's a doll and is exactly why the south rules when it comes to girls....

even if you did get your asses kicked by sherman

mike t.

southern girls...gotta love 'em.

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