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Jordan Leads Lackluster Foxwoods Final Table

Pokerclassicweb_1With most of poker's heavy hitters converging on the Bellagio for the WPT Five-Star World Poker Classic, Foxwoods is set to wrap it's very own WPT event today.

Leading the way at the WPT Foxwoods Poker Classic final table is Ed "EBJ" Jordan, stacked at 2,875,000. Ed's other cashing in a live tournament was at the Borgata Winter Open where he finished 15th in Event #8 ($2,500 NLH).

"Some" may say the man to beat though is Victor Ramdin.  Victor is the most experienced tourney player of the final table-ists, with over a half a mil in career tournament earnings.  Ramdin starts final table play with 1,793,000.

The rest of the final table includes: 3) Larry Klur - 1,687,000, 4) Alex Jacob - 1,066,000, 5) John Russell - 639,000, 6) Bruce Kater - 564,000.

Day 1 and 2 chip leader, Greg Monaldi, was eliminated in 12th place.

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