Rich Heiress, Royal Highness Prove Poker's Still Hot
For some reason, Wicked Chops Poker has always thought that Paris Hilton has gotten the shaft.
Maybe that's not the best phrase-ology there. Let's try again.
For some reason, Wicked Chops Poker has always thought that the mass public has come too hard on...ah forget it: We like Paris Hilton. And Paris Hilton plays poker.
Taking after her little sis Nicky, who, along with boyfriend Kevin Connolly of Entourage, is sponsored by Doyle's Room, Paris says that she's, "...obsessed with poker. It's my favorite game now." Now she's playing in tournaments, chasing back-door straights and hoping to see some nuts flopped right in front of her.
Paris isn't the only person born into fame and fortune that's soaking in poker's addictive glow, though.
Prince Henry, a "royal" as we like to call him, has also caught the poker bug. Apparently, “Harry didn’t have a clue how to play at first, but he’s taken to it like a duck to water. He is part of a card school that get together most nights and is an absolute whizz."
British people talk funny.
i love her (guwapa kaayo siya)
Posted by: richie sienes | April 19, 2006 at 04:42 AM
i like paris hilton so much
Posted by: | April 19, 2006 at 04:39 AM
whats is she thinking??????Shes not HOT shes not Fit and shes a proper attention seeker SLUT
Posted by: oLIVIA GONZALES | April 18, 2006 at 06:15 AM