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PokerStars Signs Up 5 Millionth Player, Loses One


Alright, we don't want to report on Robert Varkonyi winning the Extreme Poker Championship or how some lady named Beatric (sounds like a pill you take) beat out Carlos Mortensen heads-up and 284 players to win a Lotus in the Venetian's poker tournament celebrating the opening of its new $2.6 million poker room.

We don't even want to put our Wicked Chops spin on one of the many poker related press releases hitting the wire today, even if one is about the Bombshell Girls.

Instead we'll tell you about relatively old news concerning Evelyn Ng, although it officially became new news yesterday with a Bodog press release we received. Yes, former Team PokerStars pro Evy Ng will no longer be making Greg Raymer look pretty at PokerStars events as she now joins her pal David Williams and Atlanta's Josh Arieh over at Bodog.

Evy first revealed this news three weeks ago over at her "MySpace blog".

Evy stated on March 16:

"I'm very excited to announce that, as of this month, I am now a sponsored player for Bodog.com. The NBC National Headsup Championship (which took place March 6th & 7th at Caesar's Palace) marked my debut as a Bodog representative."

When a guy named Phyuck Yu asked, "Hey evy, what happened to your sponsorship with pokerstars?," the former poker dealer beauty responded, "I chose not to continue with PokerStars when my contract was up."

Riveting stuff.

In related, somewhat old news, PokerStars signed up its five millionth player last week. A chef named George Draper from the land of a thousand chefs, Las Vegas, was the lucky player who received a World Series of Poker main event prize package and a seat to the main event of the World Championship of Online Poker just for signing up on PokerStars.

Sure beats the $25 sign up bonus we got.

Reminisce about Evy's days on Team PokerStars with the below pics of her sitting between some guy and some world champ during PokerStars' mini-media tourney before the 2005 WSOP main event.


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Kid Dynamite

a friend of mine hooked up with Evvy in a booth at Drai's several years ago... TRUE STORY... that is all.

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