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The TOKE: Myspace Isn't Just For Middle-Aged Pervs Scoping For Teenage Girls, Bust Busty Baywatch Babe for Bounty, + She Didn't Lose the Bentley, But She Did Lose Starvos :(

:: Poker + Myspace...whatta pair.  Two-thirds of Wicked Chops Poker love MySpace.  However, Chops hates it, as you can tell by his oft-ignored and shitty MySpace homepage.  However, poker sites like Full Tilt, Empire, Titan, and Pacific Poker (as well as Wicked Chops Poker), are using MySpace as a valuable marketing and advertising vehicle, because Myspace is as viral as Avian influenza (or bird-flu, for the layman)Poker News

Pamela_anderson_pictures:: Pamela Anderson has big breasts, likes poker.  Joining celebrities Nicky Hilton and Kevin Connolly at Doyle's Room is Stacked's stacked star Pamela Anderson.  After being bumped as the so-called "Internet's" top search engine term by poker, the former Baywatch babe and Wicked Chops fave must've decided, "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em."  Bust Anderson on the site, and collect a bounty.  And speaking of busting Anderson, if you haven't yet watched her Comedy Central Roast, we highly recommend you pick it up, if only to cruelly witness the negative effects that rampant drug use has had on Courtney Love.  That bitch is crazy. Gambling 911

:: Paris keeps Bentley, loses Starvos.  Recently, Wicked Chops Poker's faith in love was restored when (publicity) whore Anna Benson of golddiggerpoker.com re-united with husband Kris (Benson).  Today though, our faith in love has been torn down, shattered, obliterated, and destroyed yet again.  Poker princess and hotel heirress Paris Hilton may not have lost her Bently after-all, but she did lose her latest Greek love, Starvos Niarchos.  No word yet on which American beauty Starvos Niarchos (who if he were to star in Jack Black's new movie Nacho Libre as a Mexican wrestler would be called Starving Nacho) will start banging now that he's single.  But since Wicked Chops Poker are master prognosticators, we'll throw this name out there: Lindsey Lohan.  Take it to the bank.  The Superficial

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What's a "friends list"?


that's it chops...i'm taking you off my friends list.

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