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Will Caesar's Hail to King? Jeff King On Top - Rodman, Seidel Look to Dethrone

With only 27 remaining at the WSOPC ME at Caesar's Palace, we are fortunate that Jeff King has ascended to big stack, because it give us the opportunity for truly uncreative, uninspired headlines, like above.

Jeff_kingFirst though, we'd like to note that when we walked through the tournament room at Caesar's during the first day of the WSOPC, we immediately noticed how nearly every table had two or three "name" pros that some new-comer would have to out-play (or suck-out on) to make it through.

While Jeff King (at right, wearing USA gear, like a good American) technically isn't a "name" pro, he will be, soon.  King has already won a WSOPC ME in March at Caesar's in Atlantic City, besting a final table that included Jesus Ferguson and Mickey Appleman, to bank over $345k.  He's won over $500k in tournament earnings since 2001. 

After Day 3, King is stacked at 168,200.  Day 2 chip leader Ralph Perry is right behind King with 158,300.  Other notables include: 3) Tony Cousineau - 153,000, 5) David Benyamine - 136,700, 6) Blair Rodman - 115,400, 8) Tim Phan - 112,500, 9) Erik Seidel - 108,200, 19) Minh Nguyen - 53,700, 21) Andrew Barta - 36,100, 22) Bill Baxter - 30,300.

Check out Poker Wire for full chip counts and live updates.

* Jeff King image from Poker Pages.

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yeah but he's got over $300k this year, not to mention whatever he'll likely take for this event, and that's plenty to quit a day job over for most...


That's $500k more than me--but probalby not enough to quit one's day job over--given that it's over the course of 5 years. Hopefully he's a good cash game player.

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