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Friday Night Parting Shot: Keeley Hazell

Keeley Hazell Page 3 GirlEngland may or may not be our official prediction to win the 2006 World Cup, but Brit babe Keeley Hazell is our official prediction to set your image search button ablaze after you "read" this week's Friday Night Parting Shot. The hazel-eyed Hazell is a 19-year-old, "top heavy" temptress from London, who first shot to fame as a Page 3 girl and has since racked up "sexiest woman" titles in men's mags faster than Wayne Rooney's racked up man of the matches and gambling debts. Dare we say Keeley is such a natural stunner (a 32 E natural stunner to be exact) that she may even give Joanna Krupa a run for her money as the Official Wicked Chops Poker Girl of 2006. Yes, we're fickle like that.

If you're wondering where you've seen Keeley before well look no further than today's post titled "World Cup Musings and Hot Chicks With Balls." That's Keeley's midsection you see repeated at the top, and that's more of her (11 times to be exact) at the bottom of the post. If you're wondering where you can see more of Keeley, after the jump is a good place to start.

Keeley_hazellKeeley HazellKeeley_hazell_1Keeley_hazell_3 Keeley_double Keeley_soccer

If that's not enough Keeley for you, treat yourself to a 4-minute, NSFW photo shoot video of Keeley here. It's a treat. And NSFW, but we said that already so you've been warned. While you watch, count how many time she says the word "boobs." We're sure she says it more than 10 times, but we ran out of fingers to count with...plus it's hard to count with your fingers when they're working on other things, so to speak.

And if that's not enough Keeley for you, then you're a frickin' stallion. Seriously, we're not even mad, we're amazed. Or maybe you just need to get a life you perv (but before you do, you may want to visit Keeley Hazell's official website, or a Keeley Hazell fan site, or GorillaMask.net's Keeley Hazell page).

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Jarod Ornelas

The Rolling Stones cancel a gig in Hawaii and postpone other tour dates as Mick Jagger suffers throat troubles.

keeley hazell

You should also check out lucy pinder!


You might also want to check out my fansite dedicated to Keeley www.keeleyhazellfans.com


send me more hot images with hot movies


don't get us wrong...they're as beautiful as it gets...i mean magical. majestical. mythical. epic. insurmountable. big. just thought we'd toss out another way of describing a girl with a small frame and 32 Es...top heavy in quotes was what came to mind.


Top heavy, we call 'em beautiful boobs and Keeley is top of the pops. Loads of photos at www.keeleyhazell.info Enjoy ;)


i give so much love (i.e., the weekly parting shot) and get none in return.

it hurts.

Kid Dynamite


i luv u chops


Best piece of reporting I have seen in a long time.

Brit Bob

Go England!

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