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Stacked_Daniel Negreanu's highly anticipated video game STACKED™ has shipped to stores, and tomorrow night Kid Poker will get star treatment with his own MTV special.

Airing Friday night at 9 (PM, EST) and again the following night on MTV2, the half-hour special MTV Presents: STACKED Poker will, according the press release, get "inside the breakout phenomenon of professional poker and highlights the launch of STACKED™ with Daniel Negreanu."

The show was shot in The Aladdin Resort and Casino. Apparently, The Aladdin Resort and Casino has gotten very presumptuous, ala The Ohio State University, or Chops circa '93-99, by including the "The" in front of its name. Regardless, and again according to the press release, the show will feature Negreanu as "he faces a group of college age competition, competes against some of the world’s top ranked poker players and ends the show by sitting down at a table with special celebrity guests, Ryan Cabrera and Benji from Good Charlotte..." Good Charlotte? The only thing good about Good Charlotte is the lead singer is rockin' Hilary Duff. Otherwise they're barely more tolerable than Nickelback. But maybe the MTV2 kiddies still like these guys.

Anyway, also of interest, four players who meet certain eligibility requirements from playing STACKED online may be invited to participate in a future program, the MTV STACKED Masters Showdown Special.

Worth a checking out, if solely because Negreanu may be the first likable personality MTV has graced us with since...uh...since...hmmm...maybe since the cast of Real World II. Except for Tammy and David. Stacked_negreanu_williamsjpg_1Well, just David. Tammy gave us one of the all-time greatest lines in TV history when she screamed: "IT WASN'T NOT FUNNY!" She's OK, if only for that.

And STACKED looks awesome (as you from see from the screen grab at left, which includes David Williams, WHOM NOTHING INTERESTING HAS HAPPENED TO RECENTLY) and has some great buzz.

Oh yeah, buy STACKED from us here.

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MTV Real World 2 was far and away the best Real World of all time. Dominic and Aaron the best cast-mates of all-time, maybe not as good as Tricelle or the other drunk sluts that have been on the show...but nonetheless great season.


That MTV special alone should be worth a few tens of thousands of new fish swarming to the tables in the not-too-distant future.


That's why he has the goattee.

Kid Dynamite

I wonder if the video game has a secret level - like if you flop a royal flush, it unlocks a feature where you can turn into David WIlliams and go on an ass-eating rampage...

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