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Introducing Charlie Sewell

Sewell1_1Walking through the tournament room late last night (read: taking photos of the French-looking, poker playing girl), we came across a guy who, for all intents and purposes, came across as a bit of a donkey, albeit a donkey with about 105k stacked in front of him. A little loud and a bit Weaz-like on Day 1, this guy shouted out to Phil Hellmuth Jr. as the FORMER World Champion walked by, "Hey Phil come over here and take over for me. I don't know what to do with all these chips."

Phil replied, "I don't think I'd be much help to you. I already lost all my chips."

Turns out this guy is Charlie Sewell from Oklahoma City and has already cashed around $125,000 in this year's WSOP, placing second to David Pham in the $2,000 No-Limit Shootout. Nolan Dalla reported earlier over at Poker Player Newspaper that Sewell had a run of bad luck before this year's WSOP. First he was in a serious car wreck, and not long after he was run over by a taxi, which is like a serious car wreck but with one less car. With his second place cash though and running a big stack into Day 2 of the Main Event, Sewell will be looking to [finish sentence with some horribly predictable trope about changing his luck or not crashing and burning or wrecking his chances or proving it's no accident that he's doing well].

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