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Annie Duke Wins 2006 World Series of Roshambo

Annie_roshamboAnnie Duke, a woman, has won the 2006 World Series of Roshambo, out-roshambo-ing a field of 64 roshambo-ers for the $10,000 cash prize. Marc Goodwin, a Brit who plays poker professionally when he isn't roshambo-ing, got second ($7k). A man allegedly named Tim Beagley was third ($5k) and Neverwin Poker pro Micon was fourth ($3k).

The annual tradition, now in its second year, featured a who's who field of roshambo's finest including former Roshambo World Champion Rafe Furst, who proved he's not just a one-sport wonder by winning a World Series of Poker bracelet this year. Other roshambo-ers competing in the Grand Concourse outside the Amazon Room (the end of the hallway down by The Poker Kitchen) were Mike Matusow, Lee Watkinson, Dutch Boyd, Tex Barch, Joe Hachem, Gavin Smith, Jennifer Tilly, Thor Hansen, Clonie Gowen, Kenna James, Carlos Mortensen, Mark Seif, Tony G, Matt Matros, Cyndi Violette, Howard Lederer, the Grinder and Jen Leo

While other roshambo-ers used predictable roshambo gambits like the "Scissor Sandwich," "Fistful O' Dollars" and "The Bureaucrat," Duke agitated her competitors with her winning Dollar Bill strategy, looking at the digits of a serial number on a dollar bill and using 1-3 for rock, 4-6 for paper, and 7-9 for scissors.

Duke was a semi-finalist in last year's WSOR.

"Duke demonstrates it doesnt take balls to win at roshambo," claimed Chops, when asked by Snake for a comment.

More photos from the 2006 World Series of Roshambo after the jump.


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Bilked on Poker Spot

And just the other day I was thinking...these guys should post more "Dutch" Boyd pics. If you see Dutch, ask him when he's going to pay us back our money.


I really do hope she donated all the winnings back.

BJ Nemeth

Hey guys --

Welcome to Vegas!

I'm here at the Rio every day, but not anywhere that you'll be able to find me. Shoot me an email, so we can touch base before the Main Event.

And keep up the CP LYWTMs! I love 'em all! (And have seen many, many more ...)


Just for the record - HAHAHAHA! Too good...

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