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Erica Schoenberg Stars in New TV Spots for MANSION

War60001Erica Schoenberg, the 28-year-old poker pro who recently signed a sponsorship deal with MANSION because she, as some may say, is female, better looking than Kathy Liebert and plays poker, or as we may say, is female, better looking than most so-called poker hotties and impressively took 16th at the 2006 WPT Championship (she also just cashed in the $1500 PLO event at the 2006 WSOP), is now starring in a slate of slick TV ads for MansionPoker.net. The campaign consists of six spots that were shot mini-film style in a Prague luxury casino and feature narrations from actor Dougray Scott, who we don't know but you may know from movies like Mission Impossible: II and Armageddon.

The two spots we viewed, "War" and "Shambles," have a bit of a Bodog TV commercial feel to them in that they dramatize the average casino poker room setting with dim lighting, plush decor and players dressed to the nines. Knowing Mansion Poker though, any similarities with Bodog is purely coincidental. They wouldn't knock off another poker site. No way.

Regardless they're a welcome break from the crap Party Poker ads we're bombarded with, and our pals over at AdRants apparently dig the work. We still think though selling a James Bond-like casino experience that has no correlation with the online experience misses the target audience and that the Poker Stars testimonial spots featuring Raymer, Hachem and the other guy who won the WSOP hit the mark best.

If you want to see more photos of Erica, 'cause we know you do, you can check out some here, here and here (scroll down..hot girl in red dress with David Benyamine). A former Blackjack pro, Erica also blogged for a bit over at Card Squad, until she realized there is no future in blogging.

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