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Heads-Up + Friday Night Parting Shot: Lacey Jones

Lacey_jones_6When Lacey Jones walks into a poker room, people are quick to notice.

So quick that a chiropractor could build an entire practice around poker players straining their necks to see Lacey the moment she walks into a room.

The girl is hot. Whiplash hot, if you will. And cool. Think Uma Thurman in "Beautiful Girls" but with wicked poker chops too.

LaceyjonesbikiniThe 5th generation Texan is much more than a perfectly pretty face who plays poker though. She's also a ridiculously busy model/actress who is incredibly smart, impossibly sweet, unbelievably down-to-earth, tremendously funny and makes anyone describing her burn through flattering adverbs and adjectives like they were Boyz II Men trying to convince some fine African-American woman to make love to them.

We last hung out with Ms. Jones when we were in Vegas this past May. We were in town to play a few of the WSOP Circuit events, among other things, and Lacey was there auditioning for a role on Entourage, playing one of the WSOP Circuit events, jet-setting between LA and Vegas like it was a cab ride down the Strip, and lighting up the Vegas club scene every night with the lovely Lynette Chan, all while dodging some crazed, obsessed stalker who thought "I'm not interested" meant to act like some crazed, obsessed stalker.

A few weeks later, we were supposed to meet up with Lacey in Manhattan Beach, the seaside city she now calls home, if she can truly call anywhere home considering her busy travel schedule. We were stupidly busy though, as was she, and that brief moment we weren't stupidly busy while in LA, Lacey was off to Toronto. Yes, blink and Lacey's gone. She's busy like that.

Lacey_jonesSince then, Lacey's been on a whirlwind tour of Asia (Hong Kong, Shanghai, Manila, among other places), then home to Manhattan Beach, then off to Vegas, then Miami, then LA and back to Vegas. She's been playing a number of events at the WSOP representing Absolute Poker, and most recently, she's been busy doing interviews around the clock with media outlets around the world for her latest endeavor: promoting Absolute Poker's new ladies only poker site, APLady.com.

We were able to catch up with Lacey this week to talk with her about APLady, the WSOP, crazed stalkers, sand dunes and threesomes with Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie.

WCP: So we have to ask, how does APLady.com actually confirm you're a "lady" when you sign up?

Lacey_jones_poker_playerLacey: We use high tech wireless signals that zap your balls off if you're a man pretending to be a woman on APLady. Other than that we've invited all the women previously on Absolute Poker and the Women's Poker club to join in the fun. There are ways that AP can check up to tell if you are who you say you are on the site.

WCP: Will you still be playing at AbsolutePoker.com or exclusively at APLady.com now?

Lacey: I'll be on both Absolute Poker and APLady schoolin' the fishes. ;)

WCP: APLady sounds a little like Epilady to us, and the use of "Lady" reminds us of a girl's college basketball team. The choices are slim though, aren't they?

Lacey: I actually like Lady better than APWoman, APGirls, or APBiotches... but the latter could work. It's rock 'n' roll and tells the boys we don't mess around. Just kidding. Lady is fitting though, and I think it works for trying to get more women into poker. Right now most women still won't go online from the machismo and ego they have to deal with. At least on this new site there's a forum and chat where the ladies can support each other. For me I want more ladies in this field, doesn't everyone? Sadly to say some of the women pros have treated me the worst compared to all the boys, on and off the tables. I'd like to see that trend change.

Lacey_jones_runwayWCP: The WCP crew is finally making it to Vegas this weekend. How hard has it been being in Vegas this past month without us? Are you managing it ok?

Lacey: It's not right having all this fun without you boys. All I have to say is get your cute butts over here ASAP!!!!

WCP: Yes, we suck for not showing up until now. So despite our absence, what's been your favorite WSOP moment so far at the tables?

Lacey: The WSOP has been a lot of fun. I'm so sad there's only a few more weeks left. I've been clearing huge fields, and I cashed in the Ladies Hold'em tournament, even after being card dead for the last 3 hours. So far my favorite moment was yesterday's $2500 Pot limit Holdem event. I had back-to-back pocket Aces in the SB and the Button and got paid off on both. The 2nd pocket I had I was able to double up off of Chris Ferguson with his AK.

WCP: Howabout away from the tables?

Lacey: I was able to run off to Miami for 5 days to celebrate the 4th of July. It was a great time to relax before the bigger tournaments began.

WCP: So you are playing the Main Event right?

Lacey: Hell yeah I'm playing the Main Event. This will be my first shot at it, and I feel like a race horse ready to bust out of the gates.

Lacey_jones_5WCP: What's the latest with the crazed, obsessed stalker. Did he finally hear how you spend your free time at the shooting range.

Lacey: Yeh, you like that video and pic I put up on my myspace, huh? I think the psycho got the hint.

WCP: You recently traveled all over Asia, where you no doubt stood out like a fish out of water, or to be exact, a tall, hot, All-American blonde in a sea of short people with black hair and a penchant for squatting. How did people there react to you?

Lacey: It was surreal. I really wasn't prepared for how much attention I received. In Shanghai I tried on a top in an outdoor shopping area near the temple. When they took down the curtain there was a crowd around and people taking pictures of me. Manila was the best. Everyone was so friendly there even when they pointed you out to their children.

WCP: With your crazy busy schedule of acting, modeling, poker, traveling, interviews, etc., what do you like to do when you finally have a second to yourself?

Lacey: Sleep, workout, and lay out on the beach (while sleeping).

WCP: Speaking of beach and working out, when was the last time you took on the infamous Manhattan Beach sand dune?

Lacey: I made love to that big boy about a month ago before I left for Las Vegas.

WCP: Ok, tough pregunta aqui. Quien es mas macho? Senor Pitt o Senor Clooney?

Lacey: If I take Brad I get Angelina too, right?

WCP: Certainly, we hear Angelina is into that kind of thing. Ok, finally, who would you want at your dream six-person poker table ...can be filled with living, dead, or fictitious people...

Lacey_jones1_2Lacey: Well picking these people, I'd get my ass handed to me, but I'd have a great time, so here it goes...

- Stu Unger
- Bruce Lee
- Johnny Depp dressed as Capt. Jack Sparrow
- Elvis
- Doyle Brunson
- Jenna Jameson

What about you? What would your table look like? All virgin Brazilian girls who like a guy who can make them laugh?

WCP: Crap, you're onto us, but you forgot about the poodle-juggling midgets. Always have to have midgets.

Give Lacey's website and blog some love over at www.laceysaces.com


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Can you hook a brother up with an introduction? Maybe she likes dirtbags...


ive seen that whiplash effect before with her...a sight to see


Lacey was in event # 6 and although she was not even close to my table, she made it rather hard to concentrate on playing poker. Nice read. Good luck in Vegas WCP.


I love you guys!Sunday, Sunday, Sunday!!


She's absolute-ly perfect.

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