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Sweat Update: Move Along There is Nothing to See Here

Stump3We just stopped by our Sweat of the Day's table and not much happening other than some Metallica and Godsmack jamming on his i-Pod. After the first break, Stump was sitting around 9,550, and in the middle of the second level, he was down to about 7,300. The action at the table is pretty tight, Stump told us when we last stopped by, and hopefully he can take advantage of this. This is his first live tournament so it may take a little while for him to get into a rhythm and with blinds still only 25-50 there's plenty of time to do so.

Photo of Godsmack's lead singer Sully playing the other day at the WSOP after the jump.


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yes updating coming

hes at feature table


Is Project Dirtbag still alive?


he went out first day...came late, left early

Chicago Slim

Hey Chops..I finally cashed in a tourney..
Venetian (Finished 3rd Saturday Night)
see ya at the 07 main event
ps...Serena thought Chops was cute...but too young for her...she like em old...
like me
:) Mike

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