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Today's Card Player "LIKE YOU WERE THERE" Moment

Praise be to Allah that Card Player magazine has a top notch crew of writers assigned to cover the 2006 World Series of Poker with such riveting and captivating narrative. As we have said before, it's just like you were there.

Allah akbar.

Nothing quite captures the essence of what it's like to be smack dab in the middle of all the action, where the cards are tossed, chips are stacked and lives are forever changed like sporadic hand recounts every six or seven minutes, non-descript references to conversations that pros are having, and how many seat cushions Joe Hachem is sitting on.


That's why it's uber-important to have the singular media entity "allowed" to provide live coverage of WSOP events right there ready to capture all of the action so when that rare event that transcends our sport occurs, you know exactly what it was like to be there firsthand. Yes, we're all lucky to have a trusted source that publishes updates every six or seven minutes to convey the magnitude of the moment of an event that will forever be etched into our collective poker fabric.

It's really hard to imagine anyone articulating the gravity of the epic Hellmuth-Cabanillas duel better than this:

Published on: Friday Jul 07, 2006

Every once in a while a sports event achieves “you shoulda been there” status. When a television broadcast, an online article, or any other type of retelling can’t replace the experience of physically witnessing the action firsthand.

The final table of the $5,000 no-limit hold’em tournament achieved “you shoulda been there” status.

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