David Einhorn a Better Man Than Wicked Chops Poker
The entities that comprise Wicked Chops Enterprises LLC aren't so much "into" charity as we're "not into" charity.
You may be asking yourselves, "Wait, you guys are worth millions. Why not give a little back, huh?" To which we'd reply, "Well, how do you think we got to be worth millions? Besides our looks, skills, and rich parents, of course?"
We do, however, recognize that charity does in fact exist. And that some people are into it.
Like David Einhorn.
Einhorn, an investment fund manager from New York, is currently third overall in chips at the 2006 WSOP, stacked at 6,905,000.
He's also, apparently, a total do-gooder. Einhorn has pledged all of his winnings from this tournament to the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research.
A noble cause, for sure. But we're talking about $12M here! That money could go towards another yacht! A white tiger! Or one of the Papua islands!
We just don't get people sometimes.
* Photo from Card Player.