Friday Night Parting Shot: Joanna Krupa (Again)
As one of our favorite sites aptly said in describing our "Joanna Krupa Photos from 2006 World Series of Poker" post, "There can't possibly be too many things sexier than Joanna Krupa playing at the World Series of Poker."
Of course, we agree, and so once again, Joanna Krupa is this week's Friday Night Parting Shot Girl. Below and after the jump are the rest of the photos Wicked Chops Poker took from the 2006 World Series of Poker. Enjoy because that's all we have. Sadly.
she looks beautiful
Posted by: ryan | December 13, 2010 at 01:41 AM
such a nice party shot.
Posted by: tauseef | July 03, 2007 at 04:37 AM
Me>Nice pair.
JK>I have a straight.
Me>Why are you changing the subject?
Posted by: | August 07, 2006 at 01:51 PM