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Is Keeley Hazell Still the Wicked Chops Poker Girl of the Year?

Joannawsop21_3Ever since seeing Joanna Krupa at the 2006 World Series of Poker (and taking 502MBs worth of photos of her sitting at a poker table doing nothing), we've considered renaming her the 2006 Wicked Chops Poker Girl of the Year, a title currently bestowed upon the bodacious Brit babe Keeley Hazell, who always seems to make us alliterate, among other things.

We don't take decisions like this lightly though. No, they're hard. Very hard. Like waging war in Iraq hard, but without all the bloodshed, Arabs and the Cindy Sheehan-types camping out in front of our ranch.

On one hand we have the amazingly gorgeous Joanna Krupa, who we once said was officially the hottest girl in Christendom and who knows enough about playing poker to last two full days at the 2006 WSOP. All incredibly impressive, and it's practically a laydown with those credentials; that is, if we had never come across the supremely stacked sexpot Keeley Hazell. And while Hazell, unlike Krupa, wouldn't know if she had flopped the nuts if they hit her in the face, she does occasionally make poker-related news and she certainly knows what to do when you're stacked big at the table, or in the shower or sitting in a leather sofa chair or, well, just watch the below videos of Keeley Hazell sent to us by one of our readers and help us decide.

To make the decision even harder, be sure to check out the longer, uncensored version of the same video after the jump.

Keeley Hazell Nude On The Sofa - video powered by Metacafe

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Dan G hits it, but don't let Keeley's girly charms deceive you- Joanna is a woman.


KD...sorry we couldn't meet up. And remember, there's about a 99% chance that if a hot pic of a chick is on the site, that's from Snake's doing. He has almost supernatural powers to find these things.

Kid Dynamite

bombs bombs bombs bombs bombs bombs bombs

chops - can't believe you didn't make time for us LITTLE people in Vegas! but you posted a naked Keeley vid to make it up to me.... ohhhh kay...


Kelley, hands down (pun intended).


I've watched the videos 78 times now. today. i need help.



Well, if you Ask Men then neither of them is even in the top 99 - which is ridiculous!

I say: Krupa at my table and Keely everywhere else.


It's a different kind of hot... Keeley on Friday nites and Krupa on Sat. nites



Mike T.

Is there a like video of Joanna Krupa? I need to do more qualitative research analysis on the matter.



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