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Le Leads Legends at the Bike

Wpt1_4After a two-month hiatus as the 2006 WSOP monopolized the time of the poker world, the WPT is back with the Legends of Poker at the Bike.

And much to our overwhelming delight, it also means Card Player is back with tournament reports that are unparalleled in the funny department.

So while we'd like to come up with some perfect way to explain the WPT's triumphant return to the circuit scene, we'll let the scribes at Card Player handle it:

The first impression made on Day 1A of the World Poker Tour's Bicycle Casino Legends of Poker hit like a rock straight to the head – goodbye World Series of Poker.

Rock to the head? At least we now have an explanation for Card Player's horrific WSOP coverage. Their writers are frequently pummeled with rocks to the head.

Sooooo....Legends of Poker at the Bike. Day 1A kicked off with 234 players. Tuan Le, the WPT's all-time top earner with $4,467,738, has a built large chip lead, even though we're getting three different totals from three different sources. But hopefully the WPT's site has the most accurate one, so we'll use their 141,000 count. The next closest (according to Poker Wire) may or may not be Mel "Ask Me About My" Weiner, whose potential funny headline quotient is off the fucking charts.

Other notable big stacks include Scotty Nguyen, Gabe Kaplan, Barry Shulman, Hoyt Corkins, Erik Seidel, Erick Lindgren, and Phil Hellmuth.

Get full chip counts from any of the aforementioned three different sources, because we don't have the time or the patience to figure out the chip disparities for you.

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ok..we're saving that Lohan one for a rainy day...love it.


Instead of "rock to the head" how about hit like "Pujols getting out in front of a Clemens fastball" or hit like "a bong at a Lindsay Lohan slumber party".

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