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Lisandro Headlines Won't Be as Fun as Gold Headlines

Jeffrey Lisandro is making a charge on Day 5 of the 2006 WSOP. At the dinner break, he's jumped to third overall, stacked at 3.4M. Jamie Gold is the overall chip leader at 5.2M.

Lisandro has had a solid 2006 WSOP, with three cashes, including a final table in the $3,000 Limit Hold'em event. Last year, he won a WSOPC event in Reno, beating Phil Ivey heads-up.

While this is great and all, Lisandro's charge does raise an important question: what the hell is the headline gonna be if he wins it all?

We got nothing.

For Jamie Gold, we already have like 47 potential headlines in the making. Seriously, it's sick. "As Good as Gold." "The Midas Touch." "Solid Gold." And 44 more. Possibilities = endless.

But Lisandro? What. What could we possibly do? Lisandro Leads the Way? Lisandro, Stronger Than Andro? Terrible.

While we rack our brains preparing for this horrific possibility, here's the top 5 in chips at the break (and the only five over the 3M mark): 1) Jamie Gold - 5,200,000, 2) Erik Friberg - 4,300,000, 3) Jeffrey Lisandro - 3,400,000, 4) Michael Binger - 3,300,000, and 5) Eric Molina 3,200,000.

Both Allen Cunningham and Humberto Brenes are still alive, but they're on life support. In all, only 65 players remain.

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