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The 2006 WSOP Main Event Final Table


A ridiculous 8,773 entered the 2006 WSOP. But after seven days filled with fast action, bad beats, suck outs and lucky draws, only nine remain.

Continuing his amazing run, Jamie Gold will bring the big stack to the final table. With over 26M, he's sitting with almost 9M more than the man in second, the most feared person at the final table, Allen Cunningham. Some sites had Cunningham listed at 750-1 to win before the ME started. Now, he's probably the odds on favorite.

Final table play is set for Thursday, August 10th at 2 p.m. (PST). Below are counts and seat arrangements. We'll have our predictions for you tomorrow.

Seat 1 - Richard Lee - 11,820,000, Seat 2 - Erik Friberg - 9,605,000, Seat 3 - Paul Wasicka - 7,970,000, Seat 4 - Dan Nassif - 2,600,000, Seat 5 - Allen Cunningham - 17,770,000, Seat 6 - Michael Binger - 3,140,000, Seat 7 - Doug Kim - 6,770,000, Seat 8 - Jamie Gold - 26,650,000, Seat 9 - Rhett Butler - 4,815,000

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