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Looking Back at the Leysers

Ppoalogo_bigWhen I (Snake) first met Crispin and Jules Leyser at this year's WSOP I was chowing down on greasy food just outside the Poker Kitchen as Milwaukee's Best Light girls took turns dancing in front of me like ecstacy-soused Carmen Electras strutting their stuff on the dance floor at Hef's house. It was a spectacular, suggestively-sexual, pseudo-striptease spectacle, alliteratively speaking, and one that would have been best enjoyed had it not been interrupted. But no such luck.

First to intrude on my rare moment of WSOP solitude and visual delight was Colin Malone, the loquacious amigo and longtime client of Jamie Gold (in)famous for his cable access and porn star video exploits.

And soon after that, the Leysers.

To be honest, I didn't know much about the Leysers at the time except for what was obvious during our conversation: they were apparently friends with Jamie Gold, knew a lot about poker, lived in Hollywood, spoke like Londoners and Jules was a pulchritudinous brunette with a resplendent smile (gets old saying "smoking hot" all the time). Shortly after this encounter though I learned that the pair were WPT Boot Camp Instructors and had a 50-50 split deal with Gold because Crispin had helped Jamie land some players for Bodog's celebrity team. And it was shortly after this (say, about 3 and a half minutes later) that I remembered how we had done a post more than a year ago about a radio interview with a couple who knew a lot about poker, lived in Hollywood, spoke like Londoners and the wife sounded like she may have been smoking hot. I thought, "Could this be the same people? Could the world really be this small? Could Pluto (at left) really not be a planet?" Pluto090

Well, low and behold, the answer was yes, Pluto isn't a planet, which is really just blowing our fucking minds here at Wicked Chops Poker. We mean, that's some crazy shit. What was all that we learned back in elementary school? All a lie? Why are they just figuring this out now? What's next, George Washington didn't really cut down the cherry tree? Or, that's it's NOT OK to be touched "down there?"

Anyway, indeed that was the Leysers in the radio interview and you can check out the post we did here. After you listen to the first piece be sure to check out the follow-up piece entitled "Paying the Bills Playing Online Poker." Riveting stuff.

You can also find out more about Crispin and Jules Leyser at their website, PokersPairOfAces.com, which could also be read as www.PokersPairOFaces.com, as well as www.PokerSpairOfAces.com, that is, if you had too much time on your hands.

Finally, for the visual-image impaired, find out what an ecstacy-soused Carmen Electra strutting her stuff on the dance floor at Hef's house looks like after the jump...

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My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nine Pies - that's how I learned the planets when I was a kid. Get it? Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto.

Maybe you should run a contest for the new phrase now that Pluto is gone. Most Vegas Ethnic Models Just Suck Us Now....


weird...i watched the carmen elektra video and totally forgot what the post was about. like it was some trance.

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