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WPT to Air in Asia

Wptlogo_2While the World Poker Tour is reportedly Peacock-blocking Shana Hiatt from taking the NBC Heads-Up gig, it inked deals today with two Asian networks that will likely give Hiatt more face time than Godzilla in the land of the Rising Sun, which from here is over there in the direction of where the Sun sets, which is west of us but apparently so far west it's the Far East.

The two networks, one in Macau and the other in Singapore, will air past WPT seasons, with Macau Cable showing WPT Season I and Singapore's MediaCorp broadcasting WPT Season II. Shanabitingchips Both seasons of course feature the beautiful Hiatt as the hostess, which means billions of 5 foot high men with the bizarre ability to squat for extended periods of time will be "turning Japanese" over the sexy Shana as she lounges in her bikini on a sailboat during the Ultimate Poker Classic broadcast.

Macau by the way is a Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China, which in laymen's terms is an administrative division of the People's Republic of China, which in laymen's terms is like Hong Kong. It is also known as the Vegas of Asia and one of the highest volume gambling destinations in the world with nearly half of the world's population (3 billion) within a 5-hour flight from Macau compared to Vegas, which sits within a 5-hour flight of about 450 million people.

For more on the WPT's Asia deals, check out the press release here.

For more on the sexy Shana as she lounges in her bikini on a sailboat during the Ultimate Poker Classic broadcast, check out the video after the jump . . .

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thanks Otis...glad you liked.


Peacock-blocking...holy shit, if I wasn't already a fan of the Chops boys, I'd start today.

Instead, I may have to start some religion based on the Wisdom of the Chops.

Commence with the idol-worship.

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