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Meghan Is Our New Favorite Bodog Girl

Bdgirlsmeghan1top_1Sometime between riding elephants in Bali and fighting against bear bile farming in Vietnam, Bodog's Calvin Ayre found the time to pick our new favorite Bodog Girl, Meghan, for this month's baseball-themed spread over at Bodognation.com.

Meghan, who Bodog describes as a "moundcharger," which were sure has some sexual connotation to it but we're really not sure what, replaces our past favorite Bodog Girl, Alba, who was last month's Bodog Girl feature. Alba in turn had replaced our previous favorites, Heathyr and Cassandra, who won us over with their handholding spread the month before. Which really just shows you how fickle this "favorites" business is with us here at Wicked Chops Poker. Strip down to a few threads short of being naked, spritz some water on yourself ala Keeley Hazell style, look smoking hot while posing like you're being sporty and stuff, and wah-lah, we love you, or at the least, we like looking at ya with our pants down.

By the way, why Calvin hasn't invited us to "cover" one of these Bodog Girls' shoots, or even guest photog one, is beyond us. Maybe its the "pants down" stuff that scares him, which we promise we can work on. May be hard to overcome but if there's one thing we learned from our sock puppets in oil porn fetish, anything can be overcome with a little motivation. No matter how difficult it is to give up.

After the jump are a few pics of Meghan and Alba. You can see a lot more than this at BodogNation.


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Billy T.

Meghan is truly luscious. I think a moundcharger is sort of like a beaverpounder. It's a good thing Calvin has his nonprofit foundation to keep him on the straight and arrow. But it would be nice if sites like Wicked Chops would balance the tits and ass coverage by also writing about some of Bodog's worthwhile charitable work. Check out the calvinayrefoundation.org site and you will see what I'm talking about, especially the campaign to stop animal torture.

Kid Dynamite

maybe she's a "mound charger" if you give her the "brush back" while she's working from the "two hole"


thats what i was thinking at first. then thought "mound"? Nothing moundy about a muff. and my penis isn't moundy. maybe it is more about breasts. They're mound-like. yes that is what it is. Meghan loves breasts and loves charging them. so to speak.

Kid Dynamite

moundcharger? is that like muffdiver?

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