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Canadians Representing at WPT North American Poker Championship

Evlil25Listen, High Roller: The Stu Ungar Story really rattled our cages, kind of like how that weird little guy on Lost rattled that poor little bunny's cage and freaked Sawyer out on this past Wednesday's episode. In a lot of ways, we're like Sawyer here, and not just because girls around the world admire our rugged good looks and utter disdain for authority. Or because we have a thing for the nearly flawless Evangeline Lilly (at right). But when that weird little guy told Sawyer he put a pacemaker in him and then rattled the bunny's cage, Sawyer, in turn, got rattled. Happens to the best of 'em. And this past week, it happened to us (ie, the best of 'em). And judging by reader comments and emails, we're not alone in experiencing how truly devastating the aftereffects of watching High Roller can be.

In fact, if there is one thing that actually would ever make us shut down this blog, it wouldn't be something like the UIGEA, but it would be Michael Imperioli starring in any other poker related movie. Lucky for us he doesn't have a bit part in Lucky You.

Fortunately, Parting Shot girl Melissa Theuriau helped give us a little needed spike, you know, some will and desire to go on. So we can report to you that Marc Karam, a Canadian, and Brad "Yukon" Booth, a Canadian, are among the chip leaders after Day 3 play at the WPT North American Poker Championship.

We're not exactly going out on a limb here by saying that this is a really impressive leaderboard. Karam will start Day 4 as the overall chip leader with 742,500. Right behind him are John D'Agostino (733,500), Mark Newhouse (671,000), John Juanda (505,000), and the aforemention Yukon Booth (460,500). Adding some intrigue to the leaderboard are top 10 chippers Melissa Hayden, a woman, with 416,500, and Kristian Ulriksen, a woman, with 344,000. Also in the mix is Nam Le, who with another cash, should move ahead of WCP fave Shannon Shorr (not a woman) in Card Player's version of the Player of the Year standings (although he is already ahead in BLUFF's version), however, we can't be 100% sure if he will move ahead since we totally don't get how these POY point ranking systems work.

Full chip counts here. More Evangeline Lilly after the jump.


Evangalinelilly28 Evangelinelilly2

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