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No Wonder President Bush Doesn't Understand Why Poker Should Be Carved Out Like State Lotteries

11130_headline_a_m4_1The entities that comprise Wicked Chops State Lotteries, LLC, have finally figured it out. We now know why our beloved state lotteries are exempt from the federal prohibitionist gangbanging that nefarious acts which we we detest, like online poker and sports wagering, are not.

It's not because ultra-right wing religious conservatives like President Bush don't like games such as poker...it's because they don't UNDERSTAND games like poker.

During a recent press conference concerning the North Korean nuke tests and other pressing international issues, Bush compared his strategy in dealing with these "evil-doers" to an optimal poker strategy, stating:

"...one has a stronger hand when there's more people playing your same cards..."

Um. Uh. Ok.

Watch the full clip here.

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Excuse me while I pick up the remaining pieces of my brain off the lush berber carpeting here at work.


Bush's quote seems very coherent, as he only likes to play hands where he is dominated - like the byatch he is...

How are you guys?
luv, Maria


What in the world....I don't even want to try comprehending what Bush was trying to explain by that quote.

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