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Wicked Chops Poker Now Wicked Chops State Lotteries

As you are painfully aware, two weeks ago Senator Bill Frist (R-TN) pulled a Pearl Harbor job on the American democratic system by sneaking anti-online gaming legislation into a bill concerning Port Security, because, well, there is no better way to make sure potential weapons of mass destruction don’t enter this country then by banning the average American from playing online poker.

PowerPresident Bush is expected to sign the Port Security bill into law this week. Although Samual Adams-esque brave sites like Full Tilt Poker, Full Contact Poker, Bodog, and TruePoker have already stepped up and said they will not back out of the U.S. market, who knows how it will really impact the online poker industry once the bill is signed?

Anyway, there’s an old adage that goes something like, “Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst” or something.

So we here at Wicked Chops Poker are preparing for the absolute, most apocalyptic scenario imaginable in the history of mankind: no more online poker, and no more Wicked Chops Poker.

However, unlike many of the online gaming sites out there, we actually have a Plan B, a plan that is so crazy, it just might work.

Introducing: Wicked Chops State Lotteries!

That’s right, this week, as a trial run, we will be reporting all of the exciting news from one gambling activity that the Government has not deemed immoral: purchasing tickets online for state lotteries.

If any major poker news does break, we will let you know, but for now, gear up for entertaining banter on how to pick the right power ball number, and enthralling debate on whether you should select the “cash option” or the “lump sum” payment option.


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This was brilliant. I wish I'd thought of it.

Best Blog EVER.


How about Wicked Chops State Lotteries and Off Track Betting? I think it's got a nice ring to it.


if "a new low" means "cutting edge and handsome" then yes we hit a new low.


You guys have hit a new low...Listen to the poker edge this week for some analysis of what's going on...

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