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World Poker Tour Goes to City of Fictitious Girlfriends for Latest Tournament; John Juanda Leads

Header1_1On the heels of last week's Festa al Lago tournament won by Andreas Walnum, the World Poker Tour has headed off to Canada, Niagara Falls to be exact, for the North American Poker Championship at the Fallsview Casino Resort.

This raises two important points:

1) Since when has Canada been part of North America? Doesn't the continent of the United States solely make up North America? Our lesser neighbors down south, Mexico, are part of South America, and Canada is part of Eskimoland or something, we thought. Time to hit the old geography books again.

2) Niagara Falls is home to more fictitious girlfriends than any other city in the world. First popularized in the movie The Breakfast Club when dorky Brian claimed to have rabbit-danced with a girl in the region, a few years later an old subdivision acquaintance of Chops claimed to have not one, but two girlfriends (at the same time) in the famed location (true story). And this was long after The Breakfast Club came out. And his mom backed up the story. Chops would go further on this story, but this acquaintance got really into martial arts in college and would sit out on the front porch of his fraternity house into the wee hours of the night just in case a rival fraternity would try and do something vandalous to the house so he could pounce and attack (unfortunately, also a true story), and he is afraid for his life just for mentioning this whole ordeal.

John Juanda leads the North American Poker Championship, stacked at 205,500. Famed historian Steven Ambrose might be second, stacked at 138,000. You never know with these chip counts. We do know that Team Bodog online qualifier, Kevin Monghan of Gainesville, FL, who plays under the name Ship It Sir, is in or near the top 5 with 114,800. Tao of Poker fave Liz Lieu is also stacked. She has 73,000. Get full chip counts at Card Player.

Two pics of Liz Lieu from her MySpace page after the jump. She's so cute. So sexy. Like an oil drenched sock puppet. See more of Liz Lieu at the official Liz Lieu website which is ironically LizLieu.net.
Lizlieu1a Lizlieu2
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Liz Lieu

Thanks for the shout out guys!!! :o)


I'd hit it and quit it!


Liz Lieu....overrated....there's about 8 dealers at Hawaiian Gardens that are better looking. Don't believe the hype. Tell Pauly that too.


awesome Liz Lieu has Journey playing on her MySpace page...I knew I loved her for a reason....listenin to Journey is so frickin hot

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